Russell Arnott

“My mission is to increase the level of #oceanliteracy in people of all ages.”

No one communicates about science, oceans - or just about anything else - like Russell. He’s our unforgettable Science Communicator, Educational Consultant and Presenter.

He holds a combined-Masters in Oceanography at the University of Southampton, worked as a physical oceanographer, and completed PGCE in Secondary Science (Physics) at University of Sussex and working as Head of Physics at a secondary sixth-form in London.

With a passion for public engagement, Russell left teaching to pursue a career in schools’ outreach, working with Incredible Oceans. Russell frequently performs at science communication events across the UK organising all-ages workshops and talks. He has performed at Cheltenham Science Festival, regional STEMFests and Big Bang Fairs, Elderflower Fields Festival, The Science Show-Off, Ignite Bath, and Brighton Science Festival as well as The Channel 5 Saturday Show.

Russell joined the University of Bath in September 2016 to study phytoplankton morphology and its influence on turbulent interactions.